Electrical Supply Industry - Skills Shortage

Transmission Lineworkers - Skills Shortage


The next decade will see a significant number of projects designed to improve and secure Australia's national Transmission infrastructure. Projects of note include the new electricity interconnector between South Australia and New South Wales. 

This interconnector project alone is a $1.5 billion project and has been declared a Critical State Significant Infrastructure project in NSW. This project will create 800 regional construction jobs and 700 continuing jobs. The project is planned for delivery between 2022 and 2024. 

Other projects include upgrades to the existing Victoria to New South Wales interconnector capacity and an increase of the existing Queensland to New South Wales interconnector capacity. Project Snowy 2.0 will also require transmission network upgrades to support the expanded Snowy Hydro generation capability.

Federal and State governments have identified a current and future skills shortage of qualified transmission lineworkers. The UET30519 Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Transmission Overhead qualification is listed on most State-based skill shortage lists and attracts additional funding to encourage training providers to offer the qualification. However, there is a lack of TAFE and private training options available to industry.

Our role

Thomson Bridge offers three pathways for workers to achieve Transmission Overhead qualification:

  • School-Leaver Apprenticeships
  • Adult Apprenticeships
  • Adult Bridging Programs (using Recognition of Prior Learning, Credit Transfer, Gap training and on-the-job documented experience)

Programs have been crafted to accommodate the specific circumstances of each cohort and their Employers' requirements. In 2020, Thomson Bridge launched our first Apprenticeship program for transmission lineworkers designed for young adults. This program is delivered in collaboration with TransGrid, the owner of NSW's transmission network.

In structuring this program, we have consulted with industry and our Subject Matter Experts who have decades of experience in operating and maintaining Transmission networks.

Thomson Bridge is a leader in the design and delivery of Certificate III in ESI qualifications in Transmission, Distribution and Rail. We are proud to have supported the staff of our clients including Essential Energy, NSW Transport, TransGrid, TasNetworks, ElectraNet, AusNet Services and major contractors such as Downer Group, Zinfra, UGL Limited and Quanta Lines.


Project Details

  • Client: Transmission Network Owners & Contractors
  • Location: Australia-wide
  • Industry: Transmission
  • Our role: Providing flexible programs for adults and school leavers that offer high-quality training that students and industry can trust, aligned to industry and workforce needs.
  • Outcome: Thomson Bridge is contributing to the development of a skilled transmission workforce to meet the infrastructure build and network maintenance needs for the next decade. 
  • Resources

    Project EnergyConnect - projectenergyconnect.com.au    

    Snowy 2.0 Connection Projecthttps://www.transgrid.com.au/Snowy2